quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2009

Kiichi Nakamoto, Hanshi...

Grand Master Nakamoto Kiichi

Grand Master Nakamoto is one of the the first Okinawan to be recognized as 10th Degree Karate Master by the Japanese Government, is a 10th Degree Hanshi of Ryukyu Kobujutsu (Weaponry), a 10th Degree Hanshi of Gojuryu Karate, and was one of the the last formal students of Chojun Miyagi, the founder of Gojuryu Karate.

* A lifetime of devoted service in the Martial Arts, since at age 6

* He is revered as one of the finest weapons and karate Grand Masters in Okinawa

* He is a direct descendant of the great Uhugusuku Samurai Family, the personal bodyguards of the Okinawa Kings and in charge of security for the Shuri Castle

* Personal student of the great Kina, Shosei Weapons Grand Master, the successor to the Uhugusuku Samurai Family Weaponry System

* Personal student of Chojun Miyagi, founder of Goju ryu Karate

* 10th Degree Grand Master of Weaponry

* 10th Degree Grand Master, Goju ryu Karate

* 10th Degree Karate-Do, All Japan Dojo Federation

* Iaido Grand Master (Samurai sword)

* President of the “Ryukyu Dento Kobujutsu Hozon Budo Kyokai”, Ryukyu Weapons Society

* President of the Okinawa-Kan

* Owner of 28 Martial Art schools in Japan and 8 in Okinawa

Some comments...

"For the past 27 years I have trained with some of the best martial artists in the world, attended hundreds of tournaments and more seminars than I can remember. Frankly, I thought I had seen it all! Then, in September of 2006 I had the opportunity to attend a seminar in New Orleans featuring Grandmaster Nakamoto. Concepts that I had been studying for years were finally connected! I gained powerful tools that supercharged my martial arts training!"
- Michael Boudreaux, Baton Rouge, LA

“My training with Master Nakamoto has been one of the most profound experiences of my martial arts career. He is a true karate-ka and warrior, in every sense of the word. I have learned more from his weapons instruction than anything I have done before. I will never be the same martial artist again, thanks to Master Nakamoto.”
- Tyler Longwell

“Training with Master Nakamoto was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. He is one of the most skilled weapons instructors that I have ever had the privilege of working with and hope to work with again very soon. Because of his influence, my weapons’ training has become so much stronger.”
- Carrie Badeaux

"Training with Master Nakamoto was truly an enlightening and enjoyable experience. I felt completely honored to train with such a refined weapons master. Master Nakamoto taught new techniques that I had never seen before. Because of my training with him, I have improved my skills with weapons and developed a stronger love and respect for them."
- Alexandra Hunter


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1 comentário:

  1. Hi answer me ...
    Kiichi Nakamoto was a student of Chojun Miyagi with Seikichi Toguchi?
    I need know if he knew Seikichi Toguchi.
